Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Today I really enjoyed my outing to the library. I also had nature studies and we went to gate pa reserve.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Enjoying my activities

I always enjoy the activities I take part in, here I am doing  computers and abit of art and craft.. the mind is a terrible thing to waste!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sensory room Camping

In sensory I helped build a tent … in the rain! Lily splashed water at my face to pretend it was raining! I enjoyed it I laughed a little bit. I built a campfire and pretended to cook eggs, bacon and tomatoes on it! Deeeelish!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Let me entertain you!!!

I have found my voice and Love to sing for my friends at Arohanui, Maybe next time im in a singing mood I get my mum to come in and watch, and maybe get someone to record it so I can send a copy to my brother Shane..

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

I love to Sing!!!

I always enjoy a good sing along, especially with my friends at Arohanui, ill even throw in a dance when you play my tunes...John Denver and Patsy Cline are a few to name.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Art and crafts

I really enjoy looking through art books to choose an interesting project. I have been working in my art book colouring in geometric shapes of my choosing. I especially like to colour using green, black and brown.